I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. 我期待最好的,但为最坏的做好准备。

Staying Positive Yet Realistic

When facing challenges in life, it’s important to remain hopeful yet grounded. This idea of preparing for the worst while still hoping for the best helps me stay optimistic when times get tough, while also being practical.

For example, when I was studying for a big exam, I put in many long hours. I hoped that all my hard work would lead to a good score. However, I also acknowledged that the exam would likely be difficult and I might not do as well as I wanted. By reviewing the material thoroughly and accepting that I might struggle, I was as prepared as I could be. When results came back, I ended up doing pretty well despite the test’s difficulty. Keeping a positive attitude helped motivate me, but being realistic kept me working hard.

In life, we can’t control outcomes. We can only control our own efforts. By hoping for success while bracing for failure, we can sustain optimism and avoid discouragement. This balanced mindset of wishful thinking and pragmatism helps us to confront challenges while pursuing dreams.

  1. 写作思路:

(1) 首段引出“期待最好但为最坏做准备”这句话,并说明它的重要性 – 即保持乐观但脚踏实地。

(2) 第二段给出一个具体例子 – 我为重要考试复习时,一方面努力复习希望取得好成绩,另一方面也意识到考试会很难,可能考得不理想。这种积极心态与现实预期的结合,让我做了充分准备。最后考试还是考得不错,尽管确实很难。这说明积极态度激励我努力,但现实预期使我不松懈。

(3) 第三段概括这个方法的意义 – 在生活中我们无法控制结果,只能控制自己的努力。寄希望于成功但为失败做准备,可以保持乐观而避免泄气。这种积极和务实兼顾的心态,可以帮助我们面对挑战和追逐梦想。

  1. 中文译文:






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