2024年奥斯卡提名影片:过往人生 Past Lives

2024年奥斯卡提名影片:过往人生 Past Lives




《过往人生》是 2023 年由 Celine Song 编写并执导的一部美国浪漫剧情片。该片由格里塔·李、刘台午和约翰·马加罗主演。该片讲述了诺拉和海成,两个在南韩的童年好友,在诺拉的家人移民美国后被拆散的故事。20 年后,他们在一个命中注定的一周重聚,他们面对爱情和命运的概念。







  • 电影演员精湛。格里塔·李和刘台午在饰演诺拉和海成时给人留下了深刻的印象。他们捕捉到了角色复杂的情感和彼此之间的深厚联系。
  • 电影剧本精彩。Celine Song 的剧本富有洞察力和启发性。它讲述了一个既感人又发人深省的故事。
  • 电影导演出色。Song 在营造氛围和亲密感方面做得非常出色。她还创造了一些令人惊叹的视觉效果,特别是在诺拉和海成童年时代的场景中。


  • 电影有时节奏缓慢。它是一部两小时的电影,有时可能会感觉有点长。
  • 电影的结局有些模棱两可。留给观众决定诺拉和海成是否会在最后在一起。



  • 电影于 2023 年 1 月在圣丹斯电影节首映。
  • 电影于 2023 年 6 月 2 日在美国上映。
  • 电影获得了评论家的好评,他们称赞了表演、剧本和导演。

Past Lives: A Powerful and Moving Love Story

Past Lives is a 2023 American romantic drama film written and directed by Celine Song in her feature directorial debut. The film stars Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, and John Magaro. The film tells the story of Nora and Hae Sung, two childhood friends who are torn apart after Nora’s family emigrates from South Korea. 20 years later, they are reunited for one fateful week as they confront notions of love and destiny.

The film begins with Nora and Hae Sung as young children in South Korea. They are inseparable, and they share a deep connection. However, their friendship is tested when Nora’s family is forced to leave South Korea for the United States.

Years later, Nora is a successful businesswoman living in New York City. She is still haunted by the loss of Hae Sung, and she wonders what might have been if they had never been separated.

Hae Sung is a struggling artist living in Seoul. He has never forgotten Nora, and he dreams of one day finding her again.

The film’s title refers to the concept of reincarnation. Nora and Hae Sung believe that they have known each other in previous lives, and they are drawn to each other by a powerful connection.

The film explores themes of love, loss, and the search for identity. It is a moving and thought-provoking story about two people who are destined to be together.

Here are some of the film’s strengths:

  • The film is well-acted. Greta Lee and Teo Yoo give powerful performances as Nora and Hae Sung. They capture the characters’ complex emotions and their deep connection to each other.
  • The film is well-written. Celine Song’s screenplay is insightful and evocative. It tells a story that is both moving and thought-provoking.
  • The film is well-directed. Song does a great job of creating a sense of atmosphere and intimacy. She also creates some stunning visuals, particularly in the scenes of Nora and Hae Sung’s childhood.

Here are some of the film’s weaknesses:

  • The film is slow-paced at times. It is a two-hour film, and it can feel a bit long at times.
  • The film’s ending is a bit ambiguous. It is left to the viewer to decide whether Nora and Hae Sung will be together in the end.

Overall, Past Lives is a powerful and moving film that is well worth seeing. It is a must-see for fans of romantic dramas and films about love and loss.

Here are some additional details about the film:

  • The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2023.
  • The film was released in theaters in the United States on June 2, 2023.
  • The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the performances, the screenplay, and the direction.

2024年奥斯卡提名影片:过往人生 Past Lives》有1条评论

  1. 两个儿时好友, Nora 和 Hae Sung,在 20 年前被迫分离。20 年后,他们在纽约重逢,但他们的关系却变得更加复杂。他们是否能够克服过去的伤痛,重新建立联系?

    Nora 和 Hae Sung 出生在韩国,他们从小就非常要好。但在 20 年前,Nora 的家人移民到了美国,两人被迫分离。

    20 年后,Nora 在纽约成为了一名成功的律师。她一直在寻找 Hae Sung,但她不知道他现在在哪里。

    有一天,Nora 在纽约的一家餐厅遇到了 Hae Sung。 Hae Sung 现在是一个成功的画家。两人很快就发现,他们仍然对彼此有感情。

    但他们的关系却变得更加复杂。Nora 仍然对 Hae Sung 的过去感到愤怒和伤心。她认为 Hae Sung 抛弃了她。

    Hae Sung 也对 Nora 感到内疚。他认为自己让 Nora 失望了。



    * Nora 和 Hae Sung 之间的爱情是真挚而深刻的。他们一直在寻找彼此,即使他们被迫分离了 20 年。
    * Nora 的愤怒和伤心是可以理解的。她失去了自己的挚友,她感到被辜负了。
    * Hae Sung 的内疚是真实的。他知道自己让 Nora 失望了,他想弥补自己的过错。

    在影片的结尾,Nora 和 Hae Sung 最终克服了过去的伤痛,重新建立了联系。他们意识到,他们的爱情是值得他们去努力的。


    《Past Lives》是一部非常感人的故事。它讲述了爱情、失去和自我救赎。

    这部电影的导演是 Celine Song,她以其独特的视角和细腻的感情描写而闻名。影片中的演员阵容也很强大,包括 Greta Lee、Teo Yoo 和 John Magaro 等人。




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