2024年奥斯卡提名影片:完美的日子 Perfect Days

2024年奥斯卡提名影片:完美的日子 Perfect Days



《完美的日子》是一部 2023 年由吉田富久川执导、吉田富久川和井上由纪共同编剧的日本剧情片。该片由染谷将太、伊藤英明和夏帆主演。该片讲述了三位在寻找人生定位而苦苦挣扎的人的故事。





  • 这部电影演员精湛。染谷将太、伊藤英明和夏帆在饰演裕一、圭一和明里时给人留下了深刻的印象。他们捕捉到了角色复杂的情感和内心挣扎。
  • 这部电影剧本精彩。剧本富有洞察力和启发性。它讲述了一个既感人又发人深省的故事。
  • 这部电影导演出色。富久川创造了一部视觉上令人惊叹的电影,既有氛围又有亲密感。


  • 这部电影有时节奏较慢。它是一部两小时的电影,有时可能会感觉有点长。
  • 这部电影的结局有些模棱两可。留给观众决定裕一、圭一和明里是否会找到幸福。



  • 电影于 2023 年 10 月 14 日在第 78 届威尼斯电影节上首映。
  • 电影于 2023 年 11 月 25 日在日本上映。
  • 电影获得了评论家的好评,他们称赞了表演、剧本和导演。

Perfect Days: A Quiet and Thought-Provoking Portrait of Everyday Life

Perfect Days is a 2023 Japanese drama film directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa and written by Fukagawa and Yūko Inoue. The film stars Ryō Kase, Arata Iura, and Kaho. The film tells the story of three people who are struggling to find their place in the world.

The film begins with Yūichi (Kase), a lonely man who works as a cleaner at a public toilet. He is kind and gentle, but he is also shy and withdrawn. One day, he meets a young woman named Akari (Kaho) who is also working as a cleaner at the same toilet. Akari is outgoing and friendly, and she quickly befriends Yūichi.

Meanwhile, Yūichi’s friend, Keiichi (Iura), is a successful businessman who is married with children. However, he is unhappy in his marriage, and he is having an affair with a younger woman. Keiichi is torn between his desire for happiness and his responsibilities to his family.

The film explores themes of loneliness, isolation, and the search for meaning in life. It is a quiet and thought-provoking film that will stay with viewers long after they have seen it.

Here are some of the film’s strengths:

  • The film is well-acted. Ryō Kase, Arata Iura, and Kaho give powerful performances as Yūichi, Keiichi, and Akari. They capture the characters’ complex emotions and inner turmoil.
  • The film is well-written. The screenplay is insightful and evocative. It tells a story that is both moving and thought-provoking.
  • The film is well-directed. Fukagawa creates a visually stunning film that is both atmospheric and intimate.

Here are some of the film’s weaknesses:

  • The film can be slow-paced at times. It is a two-hour film, and it can feel a bit long at times.
  • The film’s ending is somewhat ambiguous. It is left to the viewer to decide whether Yūichi, Keiichi, and Akari will find happiness.

Overall, Perfect Days is a quiet and thought-provoking film that is well worth seeing. It is a must-see for fans of Japanese drama, slice-of-life films, and Yoshihiro Fukagawa.


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