A letter to My Friend Betty

Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares toomuch about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice. (假如你是Joe, 你的好朋友Betty 因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑。请给她写一封信,谈谈你的看法,并给她一些建议。)


I hear you, Betty. This exam’s got you down, and it’s totally valid to feel anxious. But remember, caring doesn’t equal crushing yourself with pressure. Let’s shift the focus from the “perfect score” podium to the “learning and growth” stage. This exam is your chance to shine, not shrink!

Think of your hard work, Betty. You’ve poured hours into studying, understanding, and growing. Don’t let fear dim that accomplishment. Instead, control what you can: refine your study methods, optimize your sleep and meals, and channel that nervous energy into productive action.

Exams are just one chapter, not the whole story. They don’t define you, Betty. Take a deep breath, trust your preparation, and go in there with the confidence of someone who deserves a win. And remember, you’re not alone. Talk to teachers, counselors, friends – we’re all here to support you.

So, chin up, Betty. You’ve got this! Give it your best shot, focus on the journey, and remember – your worth is far greater than any grade. I believe in you!









  • 改变心态:不要把考试的重点放在取得完美分数上,而是放在学习和成长上。
  • 肯定努力:认可自己已经付出的努力,不要让恐惧掩盖这项成就。
  • 把握主动:控制好自己能控制的事情,如学习方法、睡眠和饮食。
  • 保持良好的状态:不要让考试压力影响自己的身心健康。
  • 寻求支持:和信任的人谈谈自己的焦虑,可以帮助自己感到不那么孤单。



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