时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。 Time is a bird flying into eternity.

Time’s Fleeting Embrace

The metaphor “Time is a bird flying into eternity” captures the essence of time’s ephemeral nature, reminding us of the importance of cherishing every moment.

As high school students, we often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of academic demands, extracurricular activities, and social commitments, leaving little time to pause and reflect on the fleeting nature of time. However, moments of realization can come unexpectedly, jolting us out of our routines and reminding us of time’s relentless march.

One such moment for me was during a family vacation, where I witnessed my younger sibling effortlessly engaging in activities that seemed so challenging just a few years prior. It dawned on me how swiftly time had passed, and how quickly the years of childhood had given way to the cusp of adulthood.

Another poignant example is the story of a friend who lost a beloved grandparent. It was a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the finite time we have with our loved ones. In the wake of this loss, my friend found solace in cherishing the precious moments they had shared, realizing that time truly is a fleeting embrace.

Just as a bird takes flight, time moves inexorably forward, never pausing or looking back. Yet, within its fleeting embrace, we have the opportunity to create lasting memories, forge meaningful connections, and leave an indelible mark on the world around us.

Recognizing time’s transient nature is not about lamenting its passage but rather about appreciating the present moment and making the most of the time we have. It encourages us to live with intention, to pursue our passions fearlessly, and to nurture the relationships that truly matter.

As we navigate the journey of life, let us embrace the metaphor of time as a bird flying into eternity, and let it inspire us to savor every moment, to spread our wings, and to soar towards our dreams, knowing that each passing moment is a precious gift, never to be wasted or taken for granted.

  1. 写作思路:

引言部分,我首先解释了”Time is a bird flying into eternity”这一富有诗意的比喻,暗示了时间飞逝转瞬即逝的本质,并指出我们应当珍惜每一时刻。这为后文做了铺垫。





  1. 中文译文:





另一个让我印象深刻的例子,是一位朋友不幸失去了心爱的祖父。这次经历让他深切体会到生命的脆弱短暂,我们与至亲们相伴的时光也是brevity of life。在伤痛中,他寻求慰藉并珍视与祖父相处的每一刻点滴,因为他意识到时间的确是短暂的,是美好而易逝的拥抱。





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