磨杵成针 Grinding a Pestle into a Needle


This phrase comes from Zhu Mu’s Song Dynasty work “Phenomenal Observations of Territories – Meizhou’s Needle Grinding Stream.” It means that with perseverance and sustained effort, even the most difficult tasks can be accomplished.


When Li Bai was young, he loved to play and was unwilling to study diligently.


One day, Li Bai left his studies unfinished to go play outside. He came upon a small stream and, captivated by the clear flowing water, wanted to go in and play. Suddenly, he heard the sound of something being ground and looked around to see an old woman in the distance holding a large iron pestle, continuously grinding it against a whetstone.


Puzzled, Li Bai approached and asked: “Granny, what are you using that big iron pestle for?”


The old woman looked up at the young Li Bai and replied: “I’m grinding it into a needle for embroidery.”


Li Bai asked further: “This pestle is so thick, how long will you have to grind before it becomes an embroidery needle?”


The woman smiled and said: “As long as the effort is deep, even an iron pestle can be ground into a needle!”


After hearing this, Li Bai seemed to understand a principle. He bid the old woman farewell and returned home to continue his studies diligently.


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