平易近人 Amiable and Approachable


From the Records of the Historian, House of Lord Zhou of Lu, referring to a warm and affable manner that makes people feel at ease, as well as plainly written language that is easy to understand.


In the early years of the Western Zhou dynasty, Lord Zhou’s son Bo Qin was enfeoffed as the lord of Lu, while Jiang Ziya was enfeoffed in Qi. Lord Zhou remained at court as an advisor.


Three years later, Bo Qin came to court to report on state affairs. Lord Zhou felt he had arrived too late and asked the reason. Bo Qin replied, “I spent a long time reforming rituals and customs. For example, for mourning, one must observe the full three years before being able to remove mourning garments.”


Jiang Ziya, who was enfeoffed in Qi, arrived at court after only five months to report on affairs. Lord Zhou felt this was very quick and asked him why. Jiang Ziya said, “I greatly simplified the rituals and protocols – everything was done in the simplest manner.”


Lord Zhou pondered this for a long while and said: “The state of Lu will surely be conquered by Qi in the future. Only those policies that are straightforward and amiable will allow the people’s allegiance!”


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