使用正确的冠词 Using the Right Article

在英语中,哪个单词出现最频繁呢?那就是”the”,也被称为定冠词(the definite article)。它的搭档,不定冠词(the indefinite article)”a”,也是英语中出现频率最高的前十个词之一。根据佛蒙特州布拉特尔伯勒SIT研究所的Elka Todeva教授的说法,对于学习者来说,如何在没有一些帮助的情况下正确使用”a”和”the”这两个词也是最困难的。



童话故事捕捉到了这样一个强大的模式,Elka Todeva称之为”a/the切换”。a/the切换发生在第一次和第二次提及之间。这是从新信息到已经熟悉的信息的转变。


“Once upon a time, there was an old man and an old woman who lived in a little cottage in a vast open field. The old woman and the old man were very hungry, so the old woman decided to bake a gingerbread man.”


不定冠词 Indefinite articles

“a”和”an”是用在非特定组或类别的名词前的不定冠词。冠词”a”出现在以辅音音素开头的单数名词前。例如,“I ate a banana. 我吃了一个香蕉。”冠词”an”出现在以元音音素开头的单数名词前。例如,“给我一个苹果。”

定冠词 Definite article

“the”被称为定冠词。”the”出现在属于某个类别的特定名词前,如“I want to see the movie George Clooney just made. 我想看乔治克鲁尼刚刚拍的电影。”还要在先前提到的名词前使用”the”。例如,“We went to a movie last night. The movie was called Spy. 昨晚我们去看了一场电影。电影叫做《间谍》。”与太阳、月亮、前门和世界上最高的男人等独特的事物一起使用”the”(the sun, the moon, the front door, and the tallest man in the world.)。

零冠词 The zero article

在某些情况下,名词前没有冠词。语法学家称之为“零冠词”。零冠词出现在专有名词前,如毕加索(Picasso)和约翰·列侬(John Lennon)这样的名字。它还与由专有名和另一个名词组成的地方和机构的名字一起使用,例如密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)。

在星期、月份、季节和假期的名字前也没有冠词。地理名称如欧洲、意大利、东京和苏必利尔湖(Europe, Italy, Tokyo, and Lake Superior)前也没有冠词。

“零冠词”适用于语言和国籍的名称,如中文或英语(Chinese or English)。例如,“Spanish is spoken in Spain. 西班牙语在西班牙被使用。”但如果你在描述该国的人民,使用定冠词。“The Spanish are known for being friendly. 西班牙人以友好著称。”






“Once upon a time, there was an old man and an old woman who lived in a little cottage – first mention – in a vast open field.”


“The old woman and the old man were very hungry, so the old woman decided to bake a gingerbread man.”


“A man walks into a doctor’s office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear.

“What’s wrong with me?” he asks the doctor (because it’s already implied).

And the doctor says, “You’re not eating properly.”



另一个重要的模式涉及一般陈述。一般陈述涉及到一组或多个成员。例如,“Politicians only care about money. 政治家只关心钱。”你经常会在汽车后部看到这些小标签上的一般陈述。这些是汽车后部的小标签,表达了车主的感情或观点。

你可能会看到这样的汽车贴:“Well-behaved women rarely make history 行为得体的女性很少创造历史”或“Teachers touch the future. 老师触摸未来”。注意一般陈述使用零冠词。

这是另一个你可能会同意的一般陈述:“Articles are challenging for English learners. 对于英语学习者来说,冠词是具有挑战性的。


definite article – gramm. the word the used in English to refer to a specific person or thing​

  • definite article(定冠词) – 语法学 – 英语中用于指代特定人或物的词 “the”

indefinite article – gramm. the word a or an used in English to refer to a person or thing that is not identified or specified

  • indefinite article(不定冠词) – 语法学 – 英语中用于指代未确定或未特定的人或物的词 “a” 或 “an”

article – gramm. a word (such as a, an, or the) that is used with a noun to show whether or not the noun refers to a specific person or thing

  • article(冠词) – 语法学 – 与名词一起使用的词汇(如a,an或the),用于表示名词是否指代特定的人或物

switch – v. a change from one thing to another

  • switch(切换) – 动词 – 从一种状态或事物转变为另一种的行为

gingerbread man – n. a cookie flavored with ginger and honey or molasses, usually in the shape of a human
​- gingerbread man(姜饼人) – 名词 – 一种以姜和蜂蜜或糖浆为味料的饼干,通常呈人的形状



Once upon a time there was _ good, wise King who had _ very lovely daughter. _ Princess was so pretty that poets vowed she was fairer than _ fairest rose in __ royal gardens.

《青蛙王子 The Frog Prince》
Once upon a time there was a good, wise King who had a very lovely daughter. The Princess was so pretty that poets vowed she was fairer than the fairest rose in the royal gardens.

摘自《格林童话黄金书 The Golden Book of Grimms’ Fairy Tales》


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