真人不露相,露相非真人。 A wise head makes a close mouth.

Silence Speaks Louder than Words

As high school students, we often find ourselves in situations where keeping our mouths shut is the wisest choice. The old saying, “A wise head makes a close mouth,” reminds us that sometimes the most profound wisdom lies in silence.

One personal experience that taught me this lesson was during a heated debate in my English class. While others were shouting over each other, trying to prove their points, I remained silent, observing and listening. To my surprise, when the dust settled, my classmates turned to me for a balanced perspective, as I had the clarity of mind to see the issue from multiple angles.

Another instance that comes to mind is when a group of friends gossiped about someone’s personal life. While others indulged in idle chatter, I chose to remain silent, not wanting to contribute to the spread of rumors and potential hurt.

Silence can be a powerful tool, not just in avoiding unnecessary conflicts, but also in allowing us to truly listen and understand others. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information and opinions, the ability to hold our tongues and observe can be a rare and valuable trait.

However, silence should not be confused with cowardice or ignorance. It is about choosing our words carefully and speaking only when we have something meaningful to contribute. As the saying goes, “True people don’t show their faces, while those who show their faces are not true people.” True wisdom lies in knowing when to speak and when to remain silent.

In conclusion, the art of silence is a skill worth cultivating, as it can not only prevent us from saying something we might regret, but also allow us to gain deeper insights and foster better relationships with those around us.

  1. 写作思路:

引言部分,我首先解释了”A wise head makes a close mouth”这句格言的大致含义,即有时沉默比言语更有智慧。这为后面的论述做了铺垫。





  1. 中文译文:









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