唯一能阻碍你的人,是你自己。 ——《黑天鹅》 The only person standing on your way is you.

The Biggest Obstacle is Yourself

As high school students, we often face various challenges and obstacles on our journey to success. However, the quote from the book “The Black Swan” reminds us that the biggest hurdle we encounter is not external but internal – ourselves.

I vividly remember a time when I almost let my self-doubt prevent me from participating in a prestigious science competition. I had worked tirelessly on my project, but as the submission deadline approached, I began to question my abilities and the quality of my work. It was only after a pep talk from my mentor that I mustered the courage to submit my entry, ultimately winning an award.

Another instance that comes to mind is when a friend of mine refused to apply for her dream internship because she believed she wasn’t qualified enough. Despite my encouragement and her impressive credentials, her lack of self-confidence held her back from even trying.

Oftentimes, it is our own limiting beliefs, fears, and insecurities that stand in the way of our growth and achievement. We may doubt our skills, question our worthiness, or hesitate to step out of our comfort zones, hindering our ability to reach our full potential.

However, it is important to recognize that these internal obstacles are not insurmountable. By cultivating self-awareness, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding ourselves with a supportive network, we can gradually overcome our own mental barriers and unlock our true capabilities.

The journey towards personal growth and success is not an easy one, but by acknowledging and addressing the obstacles within ourselves, we can pave the way for remarkable achievements. Remember, the only person standing in your way is you, and the power to move forward lies within your grasp.

  1. 写作思路:

引言部分,我首先解释了这句引语”The only person standing on your way is you”的大意,即我们最大的障碍往往来自自身,而非外在因素。这为后面论述做了铺垫。





  1. 中文译文:









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